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  1. K

    Security for VA to Work on Client Sites

    we sell a hosting package, and a cPanel gets created, but my staff doesn't get the cPanel password or the WordPress password, and I don't really even like to share those passwords unless absolutely necessary. That's the point of this workaround...if my VA has a Clientexec login, he can access...
  2. K automation

    Obviously. They are not seeing it. Even Matt Grandy says writing your own plugin is the only option.
  3. K

    CRM integration?

    There's no actual functionality for this right now, inexplicably. The only option appears to be writing a custom snaping/plugin.
  4. K

    Snapin for adding a subsite on a WordPress multisite

    I am using the Softaculous Snapin to install WordPress on new accounts. That's the normal case where the user is buying a domain/hosting package, and installing WordPress. This is slightly different, adding a subsite to an existing WP multisite.
  5. K

    WordPress Integration Or Plugin?

    Could one of you guys provide some clarity? Certainly it would help the CE team. Are you talking about embedding the CE order form on a WordPress page? Or more than that? The KB too?
  6. K

    WordPress Integration Or Plugin?

    If you mean a plugin that allows launching a WordPress site when you set up a new cPanel account, that exists.