
  1. shanehicks

    Edit Customer’s Payment Method From Admin

    I can update a payment method from logging into the admin and use the “View as Customer” function to set the payment method but I feel like there has got to be a better way to do this directly from the admin panel that I am overlooking? Any guidance is appreciated.
  2. E

    Paypal "Things don't appear to be working at the moment. Please try again later." Issue

    Greetings, This problem confused me a lot, whenever a client try to pay, this message will pop up instead of check out, is there and way to solve this?
  3. robertjankuilema

    Stripe Checkout iDeal

    Hello, Is there anyone who can intergrade the iDeal payment in Stripe Checkout? It would be great i tried it my self but i didn't get it worked. Kind regards!