Clientexec Contabo Cloud/ VPS Automation Module Released

We are proud to announce that, we have released Clientexec Contabo Cloud/ VPS Automation for CE.

Contabo is the world's famous multi-location server provider, and we are happy to announce that we have created a module called Contabo VPS Automation Module, i.e., if you are a reseller of Contabo, then using this module your customers can manage their VPS from your ClientExec panel. The module is developed based on their API for VPS automation for ClientExec.

========================= ADMIN FEATURES =========================

  • Assign Existing VPS to your customer
  • Suspend/Unsuspend/ Create/ Terminate VPS
  • Power On/ Power Off/ Reboot VPS
  • List VPS Information
  • Support Multiple regions
  • Rebuild VPS
  • Change VPS Password
========================= CLIENT FEATURES =========================

  • Power On/ Power Off/ Reboot VPS
  • List VPS Information
  • Rebuild VPS
  • Change VPS Password

Note: This Modules Source Code is Encoded with Ioncube.

Price: 40Euro/Yearly.

Web Page for Contabo VPS Automation for CE
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