Not A Bug Ticket Email notifications - Sudden email configuration error with tickets


New Member
This started happing all out of the blue this morning. When users try to submit a ticket or admin reply to ticket in CE, email notifications are not sent and the error shows the recipient email:
"Email to [email protected] was not sent due to an error in Email configuration. (addreplyticket)"
From the client side: {"error":true,"success":false,"message":"Email to [email protected] was not sent due to an error in Email configuration. "}

Ticket emails are set up with Gmail and I've check all settings including ssl:// and port numbers
All routing and settings are fine and this was working OK.

In the routing settings I've added a non-Gmail email, but it appears all email notifications have stopped.

Could this be that Google has blocked our IP? There was a looping incident the night before where a user received multiple ticket notifications.

Any suggestions?
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OK, finally.
I sent a message from our main CE Gmail account and it bounced saying the account had reached its sending limits. Looks like the looping had triggered a spam flag.

It's all working now :-)