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  1. CE-Juan

    items to translate

    I have reuploaded the patched file, as it included some unwanted code.
  2. CE-Juan

    items to translate

    Hi, "The package upgrade/downgrade has been canceled" seems to be already working fine in my local files. I have updated the other 3 ones to use translations. You will need to manually add the translations for "Select a Product" in the respective javascript-**.po file, and then generate the...
  3. CE-Juan

    Chinese currency unit display error please correct

    Hi, Please run the following query in your database: UPDATE `currency` SET `symbol` = '¥' WHERE `abrv` = 'CNY'; Thanks.
  4. CE-Juan

    Chinese currency unit display error please correct

    Hi, Can you please help me with this? So, this continues to be the same currency? Will it only need to change the name and symbol? If so, then should it be changed to Renminbi and ¥‎ ? Please let me know. Thanks.
  5. CE-Juan

    Unable to install: FAILED - Please CHMOD all the subdirectories under the 'uploads/' directory to 755

    Hi, As indicated by the message, you will need to change the permissions of the "uploads" directory and all subdirectories inside it, to be 755. The "uploads" directory is located in the path where you placed your Clientexec files. Thanks.
  6. CE-Juan

    Taxes Round Down Rather than Up

    Hi, I have found it was an issue with how javascript language does some calculations with numbers and simple operations. Aparently, for javascript: 1.0675 - 1 = 0.0674999999999999 I have already solved this issue. So, just to be clear to know if there are other issues to be fixed for the...
  7. CE-Juan

    Taxes Round Down Rather than Up

    Hi, I am currently running a local test to then work on a fix. Thanks for reporting it.
  8. CE-Juan

    Square Payments

    This has been resolved.
  9. CE-Juan

    Domain is already registered?

    Hi, Please unzip the attached file and place the content on: /library/CE/3rdparty/cWhois/cwhois.php Thanks.
  10. CE-Juan

    Completed Upgrade Package in Action Button

    I understand what you mean, but saying that it is the way WHMCS does it does not means we have to do it the same way. When you upgrade/downgrade a package, you can select any billing cycle available for it, etc. So, even if it were prorating to the next due date, there is no warranty that the...
  11. CE-Juan

    Completed Upgrade Package in Action Button

    This is not possible at the moment. The way the Upgrade/Downgrade Package was designed is to work like placing a new order and giving some prorated credit to the client for his previous package if configured to do so.
  12. CE-Juan

    Date format for packages on Invoices

    Hi @aarondwyer Please take a look at the following Knowledge Base Article: Invoice Entry Date Range Format
  13. CE-Juan

    Completed Upgrade Package in Action Button

    Hi Haddi, I am not sure if I understand your question well, but we have implemented the following settings that you can configure to match your needs:
  14. CE-Juan

    Domain Registrar renew domain after domain expired

    There is a setting called Auto-Renew Offset It is located in Settings > Products > Domains Set the Auto-Renew Offset setting to All
  15. CE-Juan

    Being Investigated WYSIWYG editor remove <div> tag after it saves;

    An alternative solution to this is to use <span> instead of <div>
  16. CE-Juan

    Discount Coupon for invoice

    This is something we really want to add, but it is not on the plans yet. Meanwhile, you can add a discount o an invoice by directly adding an invoice entry with a negative amount.
  17. CE-Juan

    Exclude packages from autosuspend

    That is already available from the client package. Go to the client profile, then Packages, click on the respective package, and on General tab, go to Override Auto Suspend, and set it to Yes. Press the Update Package button and you are done.