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  1. M

    WYSIWYG Editor for Support Tickets

    I hardly believe the basics of bold, italic, underline, lists to name a few is going to be a vulnerability issue. Maybe back in the 90s, yes, I can certainly see adding these basic html tags being an issue, but not today! I'm not asking for the system to have embeds, JavaScript, PHP etc...
  2. M

    Ability to upload multiple files for support tickets

    Thanks again Matt. Always appreciative of your efforts to make the already amazing system even better.
  3. M

    WYSIWYG Editor for Support Tickets

    Thanks Matt. Very much appreciated.
  4. M

    Ability to upload multiple files for support tickets

    Request for Multi-File Upload Feature in Our Ticket System Hello team, I would like to propose the addition of a feature to the ticket system that allows users to upload multiple files at once. Currently, having to upload files one by one can be time-consuming, confusing and inefficient...
  5. M

    WYSIWYG Editor for Support Tickets

    Bumping up. I'm surprised this isn't getting as much traction. Is everyone ok with the support system as it is without a WYSIWYG editor?
  6. M

    Remove signatures from clients

    Hi, We allow our clients to use email for support, however, the biggest nuisance of this feature is the amount of unnecessary information in the clients' signatures. Is there a way to prevent these unnecessary email signatures? I know it's going to be very difficult, probably impossible as...