Payssion payment gateway

Hello, sir.
I'm glad you've created such a great software system!
Although ce already has the alipay plugin, alipay in most cases only allows businesses to use the api interface/individual sellers can't use alipay properly.
As one of the many individual sellers, we can only look for a third party collection platform that supports alipay collection! This is an international collection platform, it existed a long time ago when I was using whmcs, it's very good, it allows individual sellers to use their collection api, as a Chinese user, it's the only platform I found that supports individual application and supports alipay collection!

Requesting you to add support for “payssion” collection plugin in the next version! Very much need such a plugin to operate ce platform!
I have talked to many sellers in my country about this issue and they love ce, but they have to give up ce because there is no reliable alipay third party platform that supports personal applications!
Recently I've been testing the ce system and it works very well, clean interface, looking forward to version 7.0!
Thanks again to all the staff of ce to help me, request to add payssion collection plugin, really need it very much!
Thank you very much!

Here is the address of the website, and the development documentation They provide all pages in English!