Third Party Pluginn Support


New Member
Hi, Dear Support,

I want to connect SSL custom API to my store.
My SSL Providers are &

Kindly guide me how to add new SSL provider plugin.

Have a look at plugins/ssl/enomssl/PluginEnomssl.php. This should be open source and give you the starting point for a plugin.

Mainly, the doPurchase function is what is called when CE activates (purchases) an SSL certificate. You will also need to implement a doParseCSR function, which should return an array of: domain, email, city, state, country, organization, and organization unit, as well as a doGetCertStatus function to get the status of the purchase of the cert.
I was contact with gogetssl support they are ready to pay if someone would create such module
Can you please contact with gogetssl support, they will pay you for clientexec module. my gogetssl Ticket ID: TFN-552-14848