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  1. srsakib

    Is there any features like two factor authentication in Clientexec?

    Thank you so much. I have created one for it. Please check:
  2. srsakib

    Planned Two Factor Authentication for Client's ID

    Hi, Nowaday, the most popular security feature in every digital platform is the Two Factor Authentication. The work is simple! Just need one time secured code before trying to login own account. The system will generate random code and send it to the user's (who will enable this feature for...
  3. srsakib

    Not A Bug Facing issue while configuring SMTP

    Thank you so much. The error is only for the 465 port. everything is fine with 587 port. I'll try to debug.
  4. srsakib

    Not A Bug Facing issue while configuring SMTP

    Hi, I tried to set the SMTP in Mail Configuration. After that when I click on Test Configuration it stuck on that page and do nothing. After reloading the page instantly, it showed 524 error. I checked the error log and found the below reports. 2020-12-04 05:16:31.013341 [INFO] [8359]...
  5. srsakib

    Is there any features like two factor authentication in Clientexec?

    Hi, How do I enable the two-factor authentication feature for my client's account? I didn't find any features like this. It's really a necessary feature nowadays. Everyone is concern about protecting their data from the unwanted person in the Internet world. Thanks
  6. srsakib

    Issue with DomainNameAPI plugin

    Hi, I manually implemented their API into my site. I found the same issue before. I thought the problem was related to my system. But, after using the addons with Clientexec, I found the same issue. Maybe the issue is related to their API. Can you please check the issue from your side? Please...
  7. srsakib

    Issue with DomainNameAPI plugin

    Hi, When I searched a domain that was already purchased showing available after searching for availability under the DomainNameAPI setup. Kindly check the issue and please try to fix it. Thanks.
  8. srsakib

    Completed Linode Addons

    Thank you. Appreciate your hard work.
  9. srsakib

    Completed Linode Addons

    I have a partnership program with Linode. They are not the white label. But, they have the API to integrate their system on the portal to make it a white label. I found some billing systems are already integrated Linode's API into their system. If it's possible to add then it'll be better for...
  10. srsakib

    Completed Enable currency exchange rate even if it's a custom rate

    Badly need this feature. Multi-currency conversion system helps a lot to manage the package pricing for different countries.
  11. srsakib

    Add Fund

    This one will be helpful if it will be added.