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  1. shanehicks

    Social Login

    I completely agree, security and ease of use are huge for my clients. Being able to directly sign in with their Google accounts would simplify a lot of our work. It's already implemented into cPanel so I see no reason this shouldn't be doable.
  2. shanehicks

    Planned Two Factor Authentication for Client's ID

    I feel like the SMS verification would require a direct connection to either a third party SMS API which would increase your operational cost or CE would have to integrate a centralized SMS system and would probably be charged to us a "premium" plugin.
  3. shanehicks

    Wordpress Login

    I don't use WordPress myself but some of my clients would really benefit from this. I would take it a step further and have a function in the API to pass an active session and it's data to other sites on the same server.
  4. shanehicks

    Hourly Billing Option

    I agree, there are times my clients are asking for "On Demand" services and we bill by the hour. A built-in stopwatch system that can integrate into the billing system.
  5. shanehicks

    Integrate GoDaddy domain Registrar

    Many of my clients use GoDaddy for domains prior to starting service with me and being able to make changes to their domain in it's current home from a central CE dashboard would sure make it much easier.
  6. shanehicks

    Upgrade Stripe Checkout to v3

    We need the integration to Stripe Checkout to be upgraded to the latest version for continued payment security. I want to minimize my risk as a business owner within the checkout process and the best way I can see that being is by sending the customer to a Stripe generated checkout page and then...
  7. shanehicks

    6.4.0 Beta 2 Available Now!

    A couple questions: Will the user UI be customizable from within the admin panel? Can a customer autologin to cPanel from within the user panel? With the new re-design, will the site new interface be mobile-first (since that is the way the world is going now)? Will the API documentation be...
  8. shanehicks

    Duplicate Forbidden Subdomains/Words option for Order

    Hi Hadi, This can already be achieved in the settings. Settings > Domains Enter the subdomains you wish to forbid in Forbidden Subdomains. As a rule of thumb, I current forbid access to the following to prevent internal issues with cPanel. www webmail client support billing cpanel whm
  9. shanehicks

    Integrate HubSpot and Salesforce

    I would love to harness the power of HubSpot for both marketing, customer connection and tracking. I have customers in both Clientexec and HubSpot. I have many valuable objects (companies and contacts) that I could highly benefit from the tracking capabilities and lead generation. It would save...