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  1. CE-Matt

    DATE format: YYYY-MM-DD

    This will be what we implement when this feature gets added.
  2. CE-Matt

    Ability to upload multiple files for support tickets

    This will be something we look into in our 7.x release schedule, once the admin panel rewrite has been completed.
  3. CE-Matt

    WYSIWYG Editor for Support Tickets

    This will be something that we look into during our 7.x release schedule, once the admin panel rewrite has been completed.
  4. CE-Matt

    GoGetSSL "Please authorize first"

    I believe this was resolved in a support ticket. If not, please follow up with us.
  5. CE-Matt

    "Login to Panel" link error in client area

    It would be best to open a support ticket so we can take a look:
  6. CE-Matt

    Select Product listings layout is borked

    Would be best to open a support ticket, and we can take a look at why this is happening
  7. CE-Matt

    Free ClientExec Telegram Notifications

    These only work when suspend() and unsuspend() funcs are all on a UserPackage. This means when auto suspend/unsuspend runs, or you trigger, or if you trigger a plugin action when you change the global status. Changing the status of a userpackage from active to suspended, or vice versa will not...
  8. CE-Matt

    Clientexec 6.8.0 Beta 1 Out Now!

    We are pleased to announce the first beta release of version 6.8! As a beta version, we do not recommend running 6.8 in a production environment. If you have a Clientexec license, you are automatically eligible to participate in the beta. More information can be found in our blog post.
  9. CE-Matt

    Free ClientExec Telegram Notifications

    These should all be working. If not, please open a ticket and we can take a closer look.
  10. CE-Matt

    Free ClientExec Telegram Notifications

    Which hooks are not working?
  11. CE-Matt

    Need Help Updating to Latest Version 6.7.2: Installation Process Stuck

    Can you please open a support ticket so we can investigate this? A white screen typically means a PHP error, so I would check logs to see if anything is logged. The other cause of a white screen during installation is if you are using Ubuntu and their default PHP 8.1 version (8.1.2). There's...
  12. CE-Matt

    Need Help Updating to Latest Version 6.7.2: Installation Process Stuck

    Our auto upgrader currently uses shell_exec, can you confirm that this isn't disabled in php.ini? Feel free to open a support ticket so we can investigate this further for you as well.
  13. CE-Matt

    ReCaptcha not working on Firefox

    Hi there, There was an issue with Firefox earlier: Are you still having issues, or has this been resolved?
  14. CE-Matt

    Support Images not Showing

    They aren't encrypted, but named randomly.
  15. CE-Matt

    Support Images not Showing

    As long as the images are in uploads/support, they should show up. We would require access to your system to investigate this, so please open a support ticket.
  16. CE-Matt

    Clientexec 6.7.2 Security Release

    We are releasing a patch version to the 6.7 series to address a security issue that has been found since the 6.7.1 release. As a stable release, Clientexec 6.7.2 is now recommended for all new and existing installations. Find out more on our blog!
  17. CE-Matt

    Declined Hope to add more global collection platform plug-ins

    Please read and follow before posting feature suggestions.
  18. CE-Matt

    Where The Dev?

    Hi Jwn, While we appreciate every feature request we get they are just that, feature requests. We typically like to let these sit in order to gauge the community interest in a feature before we commit to scoping them out. In other words, a feature request does not guarantee inclusion nor are...
  19. CE-Matt

    Completed Hetzner Cloud

    Can you open a ticket with login details so we can reproduce this error and get this resolved for you?
  20. CE-Matt

    New installation of Clientexec

    Hi there, Ubuntu doesn't ship with the latest version of PHP 8.1, and there's a bug in the version it does ship with that when used with opcache can randomly cause white screens. The solution is to either disable opcache, or update to the latest version of PHP 8.1.