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  1. srsakib

    Telegram Notification Addon @ 9$ only

    Hi, Can you please extend the features? User can get his package update in his telegram account.
  2. srsakib

    Not A Bug Facing issue while configuring SMTP

    The server may have disabled SMTP port. So, please check & configure it.
  3. srsakib

    Free ClientExec Telegram Notifications

    Will you add new features in future?
  4. srsakib

    Slack & Telegram Notifications

    Did you add new features?
  5. srsakib

    Physical Address Validation

    Applying Google Maps API can give this advantage. Currently, This feature is not available with Clientexec. It can be done manually.
  6. srsakib

    [Feature Request] Adding Placeholder in the Host Record Fields

    Hello, Sometimes, customers get confused how to use DNS Manager through Host Record feature. There is no inbuilt guideline about using of it. The solution is simple! Adding Placeholder can help the customer where they put the domain string & where the IP or other type of records. So...
  7. srsakib

    Telegram Notification Addon @ 9$ only

    Hello! Any update?
  8. srsakib

    social logins

    This feature should be introduced after v7.0. Everything is going to password less. There is another thread on this feature request. Hope, the dev. team will consider this feature.
  9. srsakib

    Currency conversion - Domains

    Currently, the auto conversion of currency rate is not being supported. Hope, the dev. will develop a plugin for it.
  10. srsakib

    Upgrade/Downgrade to different product groups

    Recommended to apply this feature.
  11. srsakib

    Webuzo control panel support for Clientexec

    It's completed. If you'll need the module, then let me know. Or you may contact the Webuzo support directly.
  12. srsakib

    Telegram Notification Addon @ 9$ only

    It's very helpful module. But, no update for a while!
  13. srsakib

    Default Nameserver Functionality for Domain Name

    Hello, Currently, if any client changes the default Nameservers for a domain, then it's hard to go back to the default Nameservers for him. So, this problem can be resolved by adding the functionality to choose "Default Nameservers" & "Customer Nameservers". If a client will choose the Default...
  14. srsakib

    Planned Establishing a commission structure for affiliates based on packages

    Hello, Thanks for launching the affiliation feature. Currently, the commission system for affiliates is fixed for all packages. It will be more flexible for us if we set the commission package-wise. Please consider this feature to make Clientexec unique from others. Thank you.
  15. srsakib

    Slack & Telegram Notifications

    Any expected date for the new version?