Search results

  1. srsakib

    No Changes in the report for using a different currency

    Hello, Before we used BDT. as currency to maintain billing for our clients. Due to the unstable dollar rate compared to BDT. we decided to convert the product's price to USD. We set the rate in USD for a few products. We already billed a few invoices. The issue is with the reports generated by...
  2. srsakib

    Hexonet integration

    Hi, The domain price is very reasonable in Hexonet. There is another new request for it. ( The devs. should add its module.
  3. srsakib

    Coupon Creation for newly created account

    Hello, Is it possible to create coupon only for the newly created account? It won't work for the old accounts or old clients. I don't find the option to set. But it's necessary to promote business to get new clients. Thank you.
  4. srsakib

    Need to optimize the order form

    It would be better if the button text is "Login here" only. It'll be more meaningful. "Existing Customer?" Should be text only. "Existing Customer? Login here" seems as highlighter, not a button to click. Thank you.
  5. srsakib

    About Cyberpanel Integration

    I tried to test the function. It's not working correctly.
  6. srsakib

    About Cyberpanel Integration

    Hello, Clientexec recently released the Cyberpanel module for it. Is there any documentation or instruction to setup it in Clientexec & how does it work with Clientexec? Thank you.
  7. srsakib

    Need to optimize the order form

    Hello, I found an issue in the order form. The order form is little bit confusing for those customers who are already registered. After the fina process, before the payment, there is an information form showing if the customer is not already logged in. Before that, there is button "Already...
  8. srsakib

    RELEASE: V1 - Synergy Wholesale Hosting.

    Thank you so much.
  9. srsakib

    Could not open input file: /home/<username>/public_html/ce/cron.php

    Hello, There are a ton of emails are generated in the mailbox. It says "Could not open input file: /home/<username>/public_html/ce/cron.php" It's generated every min. How to resolve the issue? Thank you. NB. The script is installed in a subdomain. NB. Solved by editing the Cron Job.
  10. srsakib

    Download Clientexec Payment Module of UddoktaPay

    Please add more details to the thread.
  11. srsakib

    Email Delivery Issue

    Turn off the bulk mail delivery feature. It will be solved.
  12. srsakib

    How to forget the Clientexec Admin password?

    Hello, I want to forget the developer licensed portal's admin password. How to do that? I followed this article But, nothing matches. Please help me. I found PASSWORD on "customField" table...
  13. srsakib

    Email verification system

    I found the Clientexec right now works in another way. Scenario 01: When someone tries to create an account, the system sends a confirmation link to the new client's email address. An auto-generated password is sent if they enter the link through a browser. Otherwise, the profile shows...
  14. srsakib

    edit server for hosting accounts

    I think, for now, a query(MySQL) from the back-end can solve the issue.
  15. srsakib

    About releasing Clientexec 6.5 or 7

    Hello, It's almost a year has been passed. When will be the next version available? Still waiting for the affiliate system for Clientexec. Is there any progress report on it?
  16. srsakib

    Listing is not working for the Article Feature

    Thank you so much.
  17. srsakib

    Encrypted & Hidden Feature for Custom Field of Products

    Hello, I found really helpful of using the custom field. It's an excellent decision to encrypt data for the custom fields which we can find in the support section. But, for the Products custom field, it's missing. Also, need a data hide/show feature for the custom field. The data which should...
  18. srsakib

    Listing is not working for the Article Feature

    Hello, The Listing feature both order list & unorder list is not showing on the main post after publishing it. I tried to resolve it using ol & ul tags. But, it's not working for this too. Please resolve the issue.
  19. srsakib

    Email Delivery Issue

    Thank you. I have created a support ticket. Ref. CE-123705.