It's very good that add file attachment in the KnowledgeBase/Articles.
Currentlty we should upload pdf or files in somewhere else and link in the articles.
When we have multiple plans with compare template ( order form ) ; clients should scroll up and down for finding suitable plan.
I recommend add an option top of this page to let visitor switch to "slide mode" then plans slide right and left horizontally;
I suggest Clientexec add this feature .
using a fetch file
extract products details from clientexec for use on the pages of website. This will help display information like product names, descriptions, and pricing and cycles in real time on the static pages of website.
I know currently directpayment links work only on default gateway;
I recommend make some change that it supports for all active payment gateways;
It will help clients have multiple options in their email to make payment from directlink without need to login and change their default...
It's better to have description or notes for custom fields.
Maybe show ID of custom fields in the admin area.
Currently we need to define multiple custom fields with same name and we can't manage which one belongs to which package or group.
Please add an option to hide an addon or items in Addons from client;
An option like "Show in signup form?" for Packages;
Currently when an addons is not available for a period of time we should remove and then add it again.
Please add quick search in KnowledgeBase something like you have uses in your docs.clientexec.com
It will be very useful and professional in 2024.
These items still is not possible to translate
"Select a Product"
"The package upgrade/downgrade has been canceled"
in page controller=products&view=upgrade
I recommend add " Save" button to payment method page like other pages in client portal.
it's better for clients and understand which payment method they have selected and saved ;
I found new Report Plugins not working like other Clientexec plugins for installation.
In other part of clientexec when we develop new plugins and add into the ce we can see it's available and ready to use ;
but for Report Plugins there is limitation and it's not listed in menu and report...
I think it's an issue that event log on admin portal has not full information about suspetion issue.
for example below log doesn't show which package has this problem .
Please specify packageID in the details.
cPanel API Request (suspendacct) / cURL Error: Failed to connect to...
when we look into the Hosting Package List we can not each hosting packages placed on which server ;
It's better to add this as a filter or new optional column;
I have a question from my self ; why we publish announcement;
I think when something wrongs or important we publish this announcement ;
but I understanded that this announcement has not good position in client area ;
I recommend a setting to publish this announcement in client area at he...
Consider lots of clients, register domains with their hosting packages ; or they remember their first date of ordering and after they upgrade their package ; next due date is changing to new date;
Please consider an option that clientexec cacluate only remained date and next due date...
Consider we need to see list of packages on creating date ; there is no option.
Please add creation date in "Hosting Package List".
This helps staff can find which packages created today or between or specific date;
Notification Section in clientexec has many possibilites to monitor clients ; but sending lots of emails or tickets is not good.
I recommend tow new fields
+ adding "Internal Ticket" to Action list in Notification Center.
Suitable for creating internal tickets
+ adding "Custom To Email: "...
If possible please add a feature to renew domains for period of time when renew some days after expire date by clients.
I think it takes a lot of time from staff to renew domains manually with below message :
Warning: Did not autorenew since registration has already expired. Please...
I suggest add a feature with these features.
Default configuration : limits number of tickets for all clients
Override No tickets : change number of tickets each clients could open. ( for VIP clients )
It will helps to prevent of clients open multiple of tickets to follow up a subject or...
I think this method is very useful to add in ClientExec Api system
Input : Package ID
Output : prices for each cycles / Name / Description / Group/ Html Asset / Prices after Coupon Applies / etc
We can use this method to show packages on the website and also we are able to develop a plugin for...
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