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  1. nicaraohosting

    Language translation

    Hello I have translated clientexec into Spanish-Nicaragua, in case it helps someone, he left the 4 files compressed and if clientexec can add it in an update, you can review and include it Thank you so much
  2. nicaraohosting

    Without multi currency and prevent some invoices to pay.

    Hello One question: to select multiple currencies is it disabled or do I have a bad kna configuration? because only dollars appear as default and no more currency options to add appear Attachment screenshot Thanks for your comments
  3. nicaraohosting

    Feature request for the Affiliate system

    Sigo teniendo problemas con el módulo comisiones de afiliados . Alguien me puede decir como solucionarlo. ¿Será que el sistema está bloqueado porque hice pruebas como si fuera alguien que hizo clic en el enlace de afiliado para verificar el sistema? ¿Podría haberlo bloqueado? adjunto la captura...
  4. nicaraohosting

    Language translation

    After several attempts to want to customize my system to Spanish-Nicaragua I have discovered that for it to work I must use, core-es_NI.po,, javascript-es_NI.po instead of es-ni (I must not use the code in lower case, only in upper case) I must also add in the...
  5. nicaraohosting

    Feature request for the Affiliate system

    Thank you very much for the progress of the affiliation system. I would like to make a recommendation so that in the future they take it into account when calculating the commission percentage based on the subtotal and not the total, because there are cases in which the invoice bears the tax...
  6. nicaraohosting

    Is there a way to order the presentation of TLDs in namesilo ?

    ¿Cómo hago para que los TLD de los dominios aparezcan ordenados? estoy usando Me pregunto por qué aparecen sin orden alfabético. Por ejemplo, quiero que .com, .org., .ing, .net aparezcan primero, o puede estar en orden alfabético. Adjunto la captura de pantalla actual tal y como...
  7. nicaraohosting

    Use of in-process invoices

    Excuse a question, the invoice shows "invoice in process" and asks me to enter a password and I enter my username and does not allow me to make changes. Or really, what exactly is this in-process invoice function asking for the password?
  8. nicaraohosting

    Use of in-process invoices

    Disculpe una pregunta, la factura muestra "factura en proceso" y me pide que ingrese una contraseña y escribo mi nombre de usuario y no me permite hacer cambios. O realmente, ¿qué es exactamente esta función de factura en proceso que solicita la contraseña?
  9. nicaraohosting

    Language translation

    Quizás en la versión 7
  10. nicaraohosting

    Language translation

    You're right, I did the test with Nicaraguan Spanish. (core-es_ni.po and In the end I had to download and modify the existing Spanish file and there I saw the changes I don't know if something else needs to be done. Although it is already in Spanish but I saw that there are...
  11. nicaraohosting

    which package are using "Override AutoSuspend"

    Hola ¿Y cómo se hace para que los paquetes se activen automáticamente desde el momento en que el cliente realiza el pedido, aunque no se pague la factura? Revisé en la sección de productos activar automáticamente y no funciona y tengo que hacerlo manualmente, ir a clientes, ordenar y activar...
  12. nicaraohosting

    Language translation

    Hello there Here is this article and it works. you have to make one more record
  13. nicaraohosting

    Receive an email notifying a ticket

    Thank you my question was i was not getting email notification when there is a new ticket. I also take the opportunity to ask if a package can be activated automatically even if payment has not been received. I have added two currencies but only the default one gives me an option. I would...
  14. nicaraohosting

    Receive an email notifying a ticket

    Cuando un cliente crea un ticket, ¿llega una notificación a mi correo electrónico? donde esta configurado?