admin portal

  1. hadi

    eventlog packageid

    Hello I think it's an issue that event log on admin portal has not full information about suspetion issue. for example below log doesn't show which package has this problem . Please specify packageID in the details. Thanks cPanel API Request (suspendacct) / cURL Error: Failed to connect to...
  2. hadi

    Add servername in Hosting Package List

    Hello when we look into the Hosting Package List we can not each hosting packages placed on which server ; It's better to add this as a filter or new optional column; Thanks
  3. hadi

    Upgrade without change Next Due Date

    Hello Consider lots of clients, register domains with their hosting packages ; or they remember their first date of ordering and after they upgrade their package ; next due date is changing to new date; Please consider an option that clientexec cacluate only remained date and next due date...
  4. hadi

    Limitation for No of tickets each client coud open

    Hello I suggest add a feature with these features. Default configuration : limits number of tickets for all clients Override No tickets : change number of tickets each clients could open. ( for VIP clients ) It will helps to prevent of clients open multiple of tickets to follow up a subject or...
  5. hadi

    Enable Regex for FirstName , Last Name, City

    Please enable regex check for FirstName and LastName ; When we use multilanguage in clientexec some clients enter their name , family , city in other language and this cause some services like domain registrar fails. It's better to regex check these fields to avoid entering these fields in...
  6. hadi

    Ticket Filter in Admin Area

    Hello Please add "AND" , "OR" for Ticket Search Filter in Admin Portal. We need to make a filter with different ticket types and it's not possible with current settings. Ticket Type 1 : Hosting/SharedHosting Ticket Type 2 : Hosting/VPS Ticket Type 3 : Hosting/Dedicated Thanks
  7. hadi

    Setup fee for packages in the admin portal

    Hello Still there is an issue in Admin Portal. When we place an order for a client in admin area if package contains Setup fee ; Setup fee is not applied in the invoice; Please consider this . It means setup fee for all packages only applies in invoices if clients order this packages from their...
  8. hadi

    Advanced search and VPS/Package ID

    Hi Cientexec doesn't have External VPS/Package ID in the advanced search. Please add this field. Thank you Thanks
  9. hadi

    Add support ticket Event Handler

    Hi Please add "Add Support Ticket" from Admin area to Event Handler; We use this event to send SMS for clients; Thanks
  10. hadi

    Add Note or ID for custom fields for distinguish fields with same name

    Please add Note or ID for Custom Fields; Consider we add VM Operating System Custom Field for Solusvm and Vultr and others. All Cloud/VPS services doesn't support same operation systems so we need to have different custom fields with same field name. Now , All names are same and we can't define...
  11. hadi

    Please add option fields for Name,Family, ...

    Hello In some country or conditions we should prevent users from editing below fields Name, Family, Address, Email , etc. Please add options are available for other user custom fields for above fields. Admin could select if above fields are editable or not; Thank you
  12. hadi

    Create Internal Ticket Type

    Hello Is it possible to have internal ticket type which are not visible in Public and clients ? Thanks
  13. hadi

    Account/ Clients page with sorting balance

    Hello This part ( Account/ Clients ) page of Clientexec will be very useful if some more column added to the table. Please add Balance column and filter for this page ; Currently we can't check remained balance by sorting; Thanks
  14. hadi

    IP protect /admin in clientexec

    Hello As anyone know admin area in clientexec is very important; Is there any way to IP protect /admin path in clientexec ? Thanks
  15. hadi

    formatted text for canned responses

    Hello Please add formatted text for canned response; because we are using RTL text currently this simple text box not helping us to have our custom canned response. Thanks
  16. hadi

    Duplicate Forbidden Subdomains/Words option for Order

    Hello Many people use www. or https://www. or https:// for ordering webhosting; This cause problem for creating packages. Would you please add "Forbidden Subdomains" for OrderPages Setting ? Thanks
  17. hadi

    Filter for Custom User Status Alias

    Hello Under Accounts/Clients/ Filter doesn't show "Custom User Status Alias". Thanks
  18. hadi

    New type of invoice named proforma

    Hello Now we have two types of invoice and drafts. Could we have a new type of named proforma ? This is useful when we want create custom prices and send proforma for clients. It should have custom pdf format. Thanks
  19. hadi

    different pdf template for Invoice and Draft

    It will be good if we have a different PDF format for draft and invoice. currently we can only define the pdf template which applies for both files( invoice and draft ). as we use draft invoices for proforma we need to have different formats for pdf. Thanks
  20. hadi

    send invoice to someone else

    Hello In some cases we need to send one or more invoice/receipt to someone else ( not registered in clientexec ) Please add send under invoice list. We can select and send and invoice/receipt or draft to someone else ( for example our staff ) Thanks